Week 14

This week has been generally uneventful.  We had Maddison with us the better part of the week, which made us feel like we were back into routine after spring break.  Elliott is loving the warm weather and playing outside.  She loves to swing and slide.  It has been super fun watching her explore outside.   She has been a little more clingy to me this week, not sure the reasoning, maybe she is sensing that something is different.  

I went to my regular OB on Tuesday.  Have I mentioned that I LOVE her?  Seriously, if you are in the Louisville area and need an OB let me know and I will get you connected.  This was a regular check up, nothing fancy.  It was very early in the morning and she must not have had many patients because we were just chatting and having a great time.  lol.  She used the doppler to find the baby's heartbeat all the while chatting away about her experience at the dentist last week.  While she was talking she kept moving the doppler, but we weren't hearing a heartbeat.  This made me very anxious.  I was immediately sent to ultra sound where the tech had trouble finding it also, but we were laughing because the baby was squirming all over the place and wouldn't be still long enough to find it.  Finally, we were able to hear it and it is strong and healthy.   :)  Shew.  

I have been more achy this week with muscles shifting and the belly getting larger.  Other than that, no other pregnancy symptoms.  I do believe, however, that I am working on a sinus infection.  I haven't really had any allergy symptoms since I had Elliott, but alas, they have returned with a vengeance.  Hopefully it will move on quickly.  

This coming week is Holy week in the life of the church, pretty much the busiest week of the year.  We are very excited that Cornerstone is hosting the service of Darkness on Friday at 7pm.  Come see us, it will be awesome!  I have a meeting with my diabetes educator and we are having a very serious conversation about a pump.  Say a prayer for that y'all....I'm not sure I'm ready.  Other than that craziness, a normal week.  lol.

Yesterday we went to visit my sweet Auntie Kaye.  Elliott had a great time playing with her and Mickey the cat.  After our visit we stopped by the cemetery to visit my grandparents and my uncle.  While I was expecting Elliott one of my weekly pictures was at my grandmother's grave so I wanted to get a similar picture with this baby.  Elliott had fun playing with the flowers too.  


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