Week 15

Holy Week + Pastor's family = oy.  lol.  I love Holy week, it is truly one of my favorite times of the year.  Not only does it mean that we are officially (at least in my book) into spring, but thinking of Christ's journey and sacrifice just makes the whole week perfect.  We are all feeling so blessed but so worn out.  

Elliott has had such a fun week with her first Easter egg hunts.  We attend a music class for toddlers here in town and they use shaker eggs in class, when Elliott first saw them she thought they were the "shaky eggs" and was so excited!  Putting the shaky eggs in the basket was great fun.  I love that we have had such beautiful weather for all the festivities.  Amazing!  

I have felt pretty good and my belly is growing so all of the muscles are grumpy about that, but it is exciting to know that the baby is growing too!  I saw my DE (Diabetes Educator) this week and she adjusted my insulin (again...I mean, it pretty much happens every time I talk to her...).  This time the change has had a negative impact on me.   I have been running extremely low for several days now...a little too much insulin.  This is a really terrible feeling and once I recover from the low I get really tired.  Hopefully I will get all of that straightened out tomorrow.  

I have finally switched out my closet so now I only have maternity clothing in there.  I have to say though, many of my friends complain about their maternity wardrobe, but I do believe that my maternity clothes are way cuter than my regular ones.  lol.  I am starting to get really antsy to nest and to get baby's nursery going. I can't wait to find out the gender of this baby!  Your guesses are welcome!  lol  (And boy name suggestions, because seriously, if it is a boy, he will never have a name...)

If any of my sweet friends (or family) are looking to get rid of their Ergo carrier we would love to make a deal with you.  :)  


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