Halfway There!

     Today marks 20 weeks! Halfway to meeting our little one!  Crazy huh?  In just 20ish weeks our little one will be here and our lives will forever be changed! 
     This week Baby Kimmons has been a wild child!  lol.  It is moving and grooving something crazy in there!  It is definitely gaining strength and aim.  The movements have been much more frequent and much more entertaining this week for sure.  My sleep patterns...not so much.  I am now waking up with round ligament pains.  (Seriously, no one could have warned a girl about those??)  I feel like all I want to do right now is sleep, but between the pains and the CrAzY dreams, sleep isn't very restful.  My dreams are becoming much more random and much more vivid.  Maybe this is God slowly preparing me for when baby gets here. 
     Next week we go back to the doctor.  Hopefully Baby Kimmons will cooperate and let us find out gender!  We are still in agreement that we are not going to share the names, however, we are still disagreeing over the boy name!  Just when we thought we had it figured out! lol.  With any luck, we will be able to settle it soon!  I know we technically have until that baby gets here, but I really want to have that settled so that I know what I am going to call the baby.  I am so excited to really begin getting to know my little one, knowing the name is the first step of that process for me. 
   Please continue to pray for my friend and her little one, as well as my aunt and uncle. 


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