22 Week Update

This week has been a really great week.  Baby Girl is moving and stretching like crazy!  She has also been responding to different (loud) noises this week!  She jumps every time anyone around me uses a stapler.  lol.  I am, however, sleeping less during the night.  I have found myself awake and checking facebook and pinterest at very early hours of the morning - which is totally not me!  I am a sleeper...this baby is going to rock my world!  I feel as if my belly has slowed down in the growing department lately.  Still no weight gain, which I guess is good...but weight is migrating to my thighs and now my maternity pants are snug. 
   Samson is not loving all of the baby things that are finding their way into the house.  The other night he sniffed the bassinet and kept whining at me as if to say "What is it!?" and "Why is it here!?"  Poor little guy, isn't going to know what hit him when she gets here.
   This time next week I will be finished with ALL (can I repeat - ALL) of my graduate work!  I could not be more excited!  However, this next week is going to be awful.  The final projects for both of my classes are overwhelming.  Good thing baby girl keeps me up, that could come in handy.  Matthew will finish his grad work the week after.  It will be such a blessing to be finished.  In the meantime, please pray for us and our sanity in the next weeks.  :)


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