Yesterday marked 28 weeks.  Baby boy is about the size as a head of lettuce, measuring about 15 inches and weight around 2.25 pounds.  This week baby is developing REM sleep and may even start to dream.  Baby should also start to move into position for birth.  Even though it is still several weeks away, space is becoming a bit more limited in there and he should start to settle down.  I don't think today is that day, but soon...haha! 

I missed updating last week.  The church was performing some repairs on the parsonage and we had spent the entire week (Wednesday to Wednesday) clearing out the upstairs.   Everything had to be moved and since I am pregnant and nesting I also organized and cleaned out everything I touched.  Needless to say, we were exhausted by the time we finished.  After that we took the kids to the zoo, to the science center and spent a day at the farm.  That didn't much help our exhaustion, but the kids seemed to have fun. 

In the last week I have noticed more swelling, specifically my hands and feet, especially if I am on my feet a lot during the day.  The day we went to the zoo my hands swelled to the point where I sort of panicked because I couldn't get my rings off.  Yesterday I went with Elliott on a field trip and last night I noticed my right foot was swollen...yes, just the right one.  I never really had swelling with either of my other two pregnancies, so I hope it doesn't become too severe. 

I also had a visit with my doctors since my last update.  The check up was perfect for both me and baby.  Baby is measuring right at the 50th percentile, which is right where we want him.  My glucose is doing okay, but has since went up a little.  I expect to change my insulin dosage today or tomorrow.  That being said, I actually have felt much better with regard to my glucose....not being so low has been nice. 

I have noticed both of my kids being a little more clingy this week.  I guess they are starting to sense the changes coming, and, of course, us cleaning out the upstairs probably stressed them out just a little bit.  Elliott still speaks almost daily of trading Drew and the baby.  She has offered to trade them for just about anything.  haha. 

I don't know about you, but this warmer weather is much welcome.  The kids needed some time and space to go outside and play and these beautiful afternoons have been good for us.  A little sunshine does my kids good! 

Last week we also went shopping some for baby (and big kids).  I specifically set out on the mission to find vintage car and truck items for the boys room.  So far we have looked at "At Home" and "Homegoods" with no joy.  who knew it would be this hard?  We have a few things so we will start with those and add to it as we go.  I still have crazy intentions of ordering fabric and sewing a few things....we will see how that goes. 

The frequency of "you sure there is only one in there?" questions is increasing to multiple times a week.  I am feeling large and in charge and my belly is starting to do the weird alien thing now. 

Here are a couple of pics from this week...I didn't take many , I was enjoying the time with my kids. 

28 Weeks and the carousel at the zoo.  


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