10 weeks to go!  Such a bittersweet time.  I am looking forward to meeting our sweet boy, but I also hate to rush the end of the pregnancy, especially since this is my last.  We went to the dr yesterday and baby boy is weighing 3 lbs 4 oz.  I don't remember how long he was, but he was in the 40th percentile.  Everything looks perfect.  According to the "What to Expect" app baby boy is starting to develop wrinkles on his brain to allow for more cells.  Baby is also producing red blood cells through his bone marrow instead of other tissues which is another step toward viability outside the womb.  Yesterday baby boy was folded over like an old flip phone.  His feet stayed at his face pretty much the entire time, but he was head down.  Apparently his rump is on my right side, where Drew was on my left. 

I thought for sure that my glucose and A1c had gone up, but when they took my A1c yesterday it remained unchanged and low....despite Holy Weeks best effort.  haha!  My blood pressure was great and aside from continuing to gain weight, everything looks just as it should.  I should say, this is the only pregnancy I have had where I gained weight and I am a little bit worried about how that is going to affect things after delivery. 

The best news from yesterday is that we were able to set Baby D's birthday....he will be joining our family on July 1st.  I got my Monday wish and I was a bit apprehensive about delivering in a holiday week, but I found out Dr. Jamie my mfm (high risk ob) will be on call through the holiday, so I am excited and much more relaxed.  Now we just have to wait to find out what time we are scheduled for....as far as I am concerned the earlier the better. 

I got my TDap vaccine yesterday, to help protect baby after birth.  It hurts, a lot and I am having other side effects which are making me feel generally yucky today.  I am also fairly tired from yesterday which I am sure isn't really helping.  I go back to the dr in three weeks where I will start my two a week visits.  ugh.  It is going to be a long last few weeks. 

Elliott still is not excited about the brother so she is still trying to either trade herself to a girl family or trade to boys to someone who has boys.  Valiant effort that one.  On Sunday a friend from church had her babies (twins) and they were super tiny! (7weeks).  Drew asked to hold one, so I held one in his lap so he could hold her.  It was going great until she projectile vomited all over him.  Drew was totally traumatized and is now completely done with babies.  hahaha.

30 Weeks!  10 to go!  


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