Skip one and 25...

Sorry about missing the update last week. Life became very chaotic and with Matthew being out of town for the week I just let it go.  I would love to say that this week has improved, but it would be a lie.  I will tell you more about that in a minute.  

This is the start of 25 weeks.  We are slowly nearing the end of the second trimester, which is overwhelming to think about.  Baby boy is now about the size of an eggplant, so about 13 inches and a pound and a half.  He is working on developing his capillaries and soon his arteries, especially in the lungs.  His lungs are still far too underdeveloped but we are slowly making our way!  

Baby boy seems to be heavy on the hiccups recently.  This is made especially fun when he sits on my bladder.  Nothing like a bladder that randomly spasms in the middle of the night.  Or morning.  Or evening.  Or any time really.  He still also does not like to have any pressure upon him.  He doesn't like me laying in certain positions, either of the other children laying upon him, or me putting on my shoes.  

Friday night Elliott came home and as the evening wore on she complained of her tummy hurting.  By around bedtime she finally threw up.  The next day she had one other episode and a fever.  Sunday we seemed to be in the clear.  No one else seemed to have symptoms...I was too comfy and thought we had skirted by fairly unscathed.  Then Sunday night/Monday morning happened.  Drew started in.  He went 12 hours with out being able to keep ANYTHING in and thankfully his dr called in some zofran and we were able to push fluids.  He also ran a fever. I guess Monday night he was so exhausted he slept through the night.  He didn't eat much Tuesday, but I didn't think much about it.  Last night we started the vomiting again.  We gave him another dose of Zofran in the night to help him sleep some, but today he has been puny most of the day still.  I am worried that we are in no way out of the woods yet.  My stomach has been turning most of the day, but no other symptoms.  I also take medicine that creates gastrointestinal distress, so it is hard to tell what this joy belongs to.  

Last night while I was up with Drew, he finally fell asleep on me.  After wriggling around trying to get comfortable he ended up with his head on my tummy (it is a great pillow size).  Well, little25 brother did NOT like that one bit.  Drew slept but baby kicked at him for about an hour.  haha.  He was very upset.  

My glucose has been all over the place lately, I am about to email my nutritionist to figure out something.  I think I just need a little less insulin, especially at night.  We will see how that helps.  

Eventually, the boys will share a room together.  I have found a theme that I love, but I am just trying to figure out how to make it work without spending a fortune.  It is amazing to me how the decor and options for a girl are extremely vast but you can't hardly find options for a boy.  There are like three themes for boys and they are all very dated and/or cartoony.  I wish that I had really even the most basic sewing skills so that I could make a few accent pieces in the fabric I love, and I may try my hand at it, but we shall see.  

Elliott has been trying to trade both her brothers at school to other teachers who have girl babies.  Sigh.  Drew asked today if the baby was coming out tomorrow.  Funny how they see things so differently.  

Your favorite part!  

25 Weeks

Last Tuesday.  

A boy and his dog...

Still recovering from the stomach plague

This afternoon in the pick up line to get his sister.  :)

Baby Profile....looks like the others...

The theme I want to use in the boys room....


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