26 weeks!  14 to go!  (ish...maybe 13)...if I think about that too much I will cry.  Crazy hormones. The "What to Expect" app suggests that baby boy is about the size of an acorn squash (about 14inches and 2 pounds).  He is apparently growing sweet eyelashes this week and will begin to open his eyes some.  He is also beginning to respond to some of the visual stimulus and responding to sounds around him. 

I go back to see my team of doctors tomorrow and I believe that they will do an ultrasound as well.  Hopefully he is still growing on schedule!  I am hoping to see my regular OB tomorrow.  Last time, she was out with a sick child and I saw one of her partners, who was great, but left me feeling less than confident with some of the choices we have made, although I don't think it was intentional.  I love that this office allows me to be treated by one OBGYN instead of having to rotate like so many other offices do.  I like the stability that comes from seeing the same doctor, as well as the trust.  It also helps that Dr. Buck is my balance.  I am anxiety, she is calm. 

Baby boy continues to be busy.  I feel like he has the hiccups...a lot.  Maybe he just has great steady beat?  I'm going with hiccups.  Most of his "movements" still seem to be centered on my bladder.  When he gets good and wound up my belly starts wiggling and moving very visibly from the outside but it is still kind of rare.  He is growing and I can definitely tell that my belly has grown this week.  I looked at the pictures that were taken this week and I look like a beach ball, stripes and all.  I am lumpy and bumpy like the Michelin man.  He should tell a girl before she goes out looking like that.  Sigh. 

Last week we had the stomach virus here in the Kimmons house.  Elliott brought it home, then Drew fell victim.  I think somewhere in there Matthew got a mild form, then Drew got it back and shared it with me.  While I do believe what I had was mild the cramping and the fever were awful.  My glucose was out of control for a few days and I feel like I am just beginning to get myself back together.  I don't predict any changes in my insulin tomorrow, which I think is awesome that I have been able to hold steady for so long.  These last weeks with surely be challenging, but not too much longer left now. 

Only one pic tonight, not many pics were taken during the stomach virus.  haha. 


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