What a week!

Today marks 13 weeks.  Baby is about the size of a peach and is developing eyes and vocal chords.  I have been feeling more movement from baby this week, especially right after I eat.  Baby likes food as much as I do!   haha.  This week has been the onset of two of my favorite pregnancy symptoms (sarcasm) extreme hormonal emotions and the tailbone shift!  This last week has been allllllllll the emotions as we traveled, prepared for and celebrated Christmas, but even still my tears have flowed oh so easily, over nothing.  Isn't this why I take anxiety meds?  So I can keep this under control? As for the tailbone, it was the major source of discomfort in my other two pregnancies and I knew it would catch up to me sooner or later this pregnancy.  For the last two pregnancies I have carried around a cushion that helps relieve the pain when I sit (so if you see me with my cushion, don't make fun) so, I went to grab my cushion which had been commandeered by my hubby for his office chair, and it no longer has the same.....helpfulness, so I am having to order a new one.  Thanks babe.

Sunday the kids and I went to celebrate Christmas with my Peterson side of the family.  We had a lot of fun, ate great food and enjoyed being with family.  On the way home the weather was doing this fun combination of rain/snow so we took things slow.  While attempting to merge onto the interstate the car merging in front of us came to a complete stop in the lane.  I had no choice but to stop behind them as it was a construction zone with a concrete barrier and traffic flying past in the left lane.  The car behind me had no choice but to hit me from behind.  Thankfully, no one was hurt and our NEW van has only a few small scratches.  On the upside, the poor person who had the misfortune to hit me was the sweet daughter of a couple from church.  As we both stated, we were glad that it was her that ran into me instead of an 18 wheeler who would have had trouble braking on the wet roads.  God was definitely looking out for us.  The rest of Christmas went off without a hitch and my kids have been so fun to watch this year.

I haven't made any more plans about gender reveal yet, I am waiting to see how a few other events with dates close to that pan out.  Will keep you posted.

Because of all the Christmas celebrations my glucose has been all over the place.  I am TERRIBLE at remembering my oral meds when traveling (which was 4 days this week), after the accident I went home and went to bed, waking at 4:30am which meant I didn't eat dinner, take insulin or nighttime meds.  I was a MESS.  I seem to be back under control now, but have to report in tomorrow.  I feel like we should just throw this week away and try again next week.  I wonder if she will go for that?!

Today I braved Walmart, mostly cause the fabulous Stacey was able to color my hair (can I get a hallelujah?  Amen!  Those grays were AWFUL!) With her direction I was able to find the MOST AWESOME THING EVER.  With each pregnancy, I find that so much changes, like different products available to make life with baby easier, pregnancy easier, things like gender reveals being a big deal now where when we had Elliott it wasn't a thing...   Well, I have found my new favorite pregnancy product....maternity. yoga. pants!  I am so excited!  They only had one pair in my size, so I am on the hunt for more, but let me tell you, they were cheap and AWESOME.  Also, diet cherry 7up.  Our Walmart didn't have any today.  I am super bummed.  Is that only a Christmas thing, cause I need more.  hahaha.

Here is this weeks pic.  Please don't even with the disaster that is my living room in the background.  My kids did clean up SOME tonight, it will take forever for my home to return to normal.  Although....I got a roomba for Christmas!  Santa knows what mama needs!


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