Week 12...

Here we are...sliding into the second trimester.  Baby is the size of a large plum and is working on developing that digestive system.  I have been able to feel baby move this week, which is really neat and crazy considering how early it is in the pregnancy.  Just a few flips every now and then just to make sure I'm paying attention! 

Last Thursday I checked in with everyone on my team, as I call it, my regular OB, nutritionist and the MFM OB.  It was my first time meeting this MFM OB and I was a bit concerned about how it would go, since I definitely have my own ideas about how I want this pregnancy to progress, but she seemed to understand my fears and what fueled them, and seems to be willing to work with me.  This made me feel SO much better.  Much more reasonable than the Dr I saw last pregnancy....they were crazy!  The nutritionist seemed pleased enough with my glucose readings and didn't adjust my insulin, which I totally feel like is a win.  I send her more numbers tomorrow, we will see how that goes. 

My regular OB, Dr. Buck, is absolutely amazing.  For real, if you are in the Louisville area and you are looking for an OB/GYN you need to go to Advocates for Women's health.  Dr. Buck is so great about answering my questions, calming my fears, and talking through options with me.  She understands my anxiety and I have been her patient and friend long enough that she shares her own story with me.  That is a big deal, y'all. 

Many of you texted and messaged me about the blood test/gender thing.  Here is how all of that went down.  I discussed the test with the MFM OB and she explained it, discussed reasoning and possible outcomes of the test, and how to use that information.  All very helpful.  She then encouraged me to discuss the test with Dr. Buck.  When I brought it up with Dr. Buck, she went over some of the same information, discussed cost and what is included, but reassured me that there was no rush and that I could opt for the test at any time during the pregnancy, so if something came up, we could know for sure.  I decided to wait on the testing.  I wanted to talk it over with Matthew and just think about the information. 

I go back to meet with the nutritionist and Dr. Buck in January, and on February 1st is our anatomy scan!  I am so excited! While I did get to see baby this last time (it seemed to be sleeping but woke up and did a headstand when the tech pushed on it) the heart beat definitely confirmed my gender thoughts, and while Dr. Buck agreed too, she also reminded me that they have been surprised before...so....we wait. 

I want to have a gender reveal party and celebrate this baby in every way, especially since this is my last pregnancy, but Matthew is very reluctant.  He has suggested that because of weather that time of year (First of February),  and the fact that this is my 3rd baby, that aside from our parents, no one will be that interested in this pregnancy.  I, of course, understand that he is likely correct, and am feeling pretty deflated about it, so I am not sure what we will do about sharing gender.  We will see what we figure out. 

Drew has said if this baby is a girl, that it will be ONLY Elliott's sister, and if it is a boy with soft hair, it will be his brother.  If it doesn't have soft hair it can go live with my aunt Judy.  I have no words for this.  Elliott is more agreeable except for the fact that she is adamantly opposed to changing diapers. 

I am feeling well, just tired and this Advent season is not letting up.  Every day is booked through Christmas, here's hoping I can catch a nap or two in there.  Bump is growing, although I am still in that stage of "is she fat or is she pregnant?" 


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