What a rough week!

I'm not gonna lie...this last week has been ROUGH.  Sunday I woke up with what I thought were fairly normal pregnancy symptoms...nausea, achy, other not so lovely things....but ya know. I have had such a great pregnancy up until this point that I figured it was about time for some symptoms.  Monday morning rolled around and my back was killing me - I thought I had a kidney infection.  I called the dr and this lovely nurse (Someone remind me to send her flowers or something...seriously, she is amazing) told me that she believed that I had the stomach bug.  I doubted her....not sure why, but I did.  Within the hour I had no more doubts and I was sure death was eminent. Y'all, I made it 6 years of teaching with no stomach bug, but being a SAHM got me.  lol.  Then, of course, just as I was on the upswing...Elliott got it.  Thankfully she seemed to have a mild case, but sheesh.  NO FUN. 

Both babies had a check up this week.  Yesterday was Elliott's turn.  She had her 18 month (yeah, we are a month behind on those).  She is in the 25% for height and weight (shock!) and her head is in the 75%.  She has met all of her milestones for 2 years.  She doesn't love the dr and gets very upset when she comes close.  lol.  She got one shot and has done really well. 

Baby #2 had a check up today as well.  We were checking the baby's neck for possible deformities from the diabetes.  Everything looked perfectly normal!  The baby jumped every time the ultrasound tech pushed my belly and kept putting it's hands up to it's face.  It was so cute!  We get to go back and find out gender in 7 weeks.  I am so so excited!

I have recovered from the stomach bug and am back to feeling great.  I finally got some strawberry ice cream so I am an even happier girl.  lol.  I feel like I have stretched out a little further this week, which means baby bean is getting bigger! I am getting ready to transition to second trimester, and hopefully with that, I will gain a little bit more energy back. 

We still have no boy names picked out....if it is a girl, we are good to go.  lol.  This week my newsfeed has been full of friends announcing pregnancies in October...it is going to be a busy month for babies!  I am so excited! 


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