18 month update

Elliott recently turned 18 months and I felt as though I should update on all the things she is doing these days!

Favorite foods:
 Apples, pears, cheese, mac and cheese, sweet potatoes, turkey, bread, applesauce, toddler fruit pouches, goldfish, teddy grahams....

Favorite books:
 Jamberry Hiccopotomus, Chugga Chugga Choo Choo, Cool Dog - School dog, Arthur's Valentine, Tanka Tanka Skunk

Favorite TV shows:
Bubble Guppies, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sid the Science kid, The wiggles

Favorite songs:
Itsy bitsy spider, Pop goes the weasel, Little teapot, Wheels on the bus

Words she can say:
Daddy, picess (mommy), up, stop, po (please), NO, uh huh, OH My!, shhhh, socks, shoes, toast, peaches, baby, more, Mooo, Quack...

She is beginning to walk more and more - she can do it, she just lacks confidence, she loves baby Maddison (the little girl I babysit), we still have to use the laundry basket in the tub, she hates to be dirty, she loves surprises, and is especially Daddy's girl.

Everyday is so much fun!


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