The two week rollercoaster...

I had the best of intentions of writing a blog post last week, but life seemed to have other plans. The last post was just before the packing marathon that took over our house. We became very anxious in the days up to the move and worried that there was no way that we would get everything into a box in time. We also realize that we have entirely too much stuff. I mean really, why do two people (plus a dog and a baby on the way) really need THAT MUCH stuff?? I thought we had done such a great job cleaning out stuff, until I saw it all in boxes. Ugh.
Our last Sunday morning in Graefenburg was very rough. I had promised myself that I wouldn't break down, cause when I pregnant girl starts crying....she really doesn't stop. I did really well with that promise, until Matthew sang "Beulahland". That one gets me every time. So with lots of tears and prayers we said farewell to Graefenburg.
The moving company was set to arrive between noon and two on Tuesday afternoon. They called at around 2:15 and said that the job they had that morning wasn't going as planned and they wouldn't be able to arrive at Graefenburg until Wednesday morning. This made for a very long day Wednesday. The gentlemen who moved us were a father/son team and they were great. We had a great time conversing with them and interacting with them throughout the day. The moving truck pulled away from E-town at about 9:10 Wednesday night. We were exhausted.
Since the move to E-town the kindness and generosity of the church here has been overwhelming. We have received more food, gift cards, and cards than we could have ever imagined. There has been someone here cleaning, repairing, or landscaping the parsonage almost every day. This church has more than shown us a warm welcome. We are so very blessed.
During this week of moving we have had a very rough week emotionally. Many of you know I have asked you to pray for my uncle and his wife on past blog postings. This weekend my uncle Paul lost his battle with cancer. It was such a rapid progression; it is almost too hard to comprehend. Today we laid dear Paul to rest. My husband, Matthew, gave the Eulogy, which was very personal and touching. The church was full and the amount of people that came out to visitation last night was staggering. Paul knew and touched many people. It was amazing to see how many people loved him and Kaye. Kaye has handled his passing with far more grace than I ever could. Their relationship was beautiful - a true example of marriage.
Before Paul's passing, he and Kaye would love to chat about our upcoming baby. Because we won't share her name, Paul decided that he would call her "Paula Kaye". He thought that sounded like a great name. Funny thing is, for our family, it has kind of stuck. I am pretty sure that regardless of what we decide to name this child, the Peterson's will forever call her "Paula Kaye". lol
The last two weeks have become increasingly more difficult with the pregnancy. I still can't really complain, because I know that it could be much, much, worse. Baby girl is continuing to put more pressure on my hips, making it difficult to sleep and get comfortable. After today I realized that riding in a car for a long period of time is also becoming more difficult. The road we traveled was very bumpy and I am very sore. We had a day where Baby Girl was actually quiet....and we panicked. We called the doctor concerned that she wasn't moving....after trying a few tricks we figured out that she must be sleeping. Since I hadn't actually experienced that before, it was very disconcerting. No worries though, she is back to her normal self. She hasn't stopped moving in three days.
Not only did I not post last week....but we didn't even take a picture. Sheesh. So here is a picture representing weeks 30 and 31. It may seem odd....but this weeks picture is at the cemetery where my grandparents are laid to rest. It makes me somewhat sad that my baby girl won't get to know my Grandmother directly. I know she will hear plenty of stories and learn about her from our family, but it won't be the same. Grandma loved babies and loved watching her grandchildren/great-grandchildren grow. (Sorry, apparently my eyes were was awfully bright and don't forget 105 degrees....we didn't spend long out there...)
This is lovely. You look beautiful. I can't wait to meet Paula Kaye :)