Change is good....right?

Happy 4th Birthday Samson! Sunday was Sam's 4th birthday and he had a BIG day!  The church had a family picnic, so he, of course, got to go out and play and romp with all of the church members.  Then we came in and took our yearly photo, Samson had his favorite treat, and got a new toy.  Whew!   It's hard to believe that he is four.  I remember the first day we brought him home, he had more fur than body. SO cute!

Monday was the last day of school for students.  I did really well throughout the day.  At the end of the day our principal gathered the staff together to say an official "goodbye" to those of us who were leaving.  (there were quite a few this year).  I fell apart then.  I never really regained myself the rest of the night.  lol. Silly hormones.  Tuesday was somewhat easier, there were no formal goodbyes and my friends made arrangements to see each other before we officially moved.  At the end of the day one of my friends asked if I wanted to go back in my classroom one last time.  I simply answered, "no".  I couldn't do it.  I knew everything was cleaned up and put away.  There was no reason for me to go back there other than to have an emotional break down. :) 

Reality hasn't really set in yet that I am not going back.  Today felt like a day off, but nothing special.   Although, I did go get my hair cut again this morning at a new place and the girl asked me what I did, I sort of struggled emotionally as I told her that yesterday I was a teacher, but starting today I am a mommy.  It was a good struggle.  I am glad to be making this change.  I know this is what I want for my children.  I believe this is what's best for them.   I am just sad to be leaving behind the relationships that I have built over the last six years.  Relationships with my coworkers who have become dear friends, relationships with students who have taught me so much about life and about myself, and with the parents of my students, whom have become friends and great sources for advice. 

The next couple of weeks are kind of insane for us.  We have Annual Conference next week.  (The state convention for Matthew's job.) The next week is the move.  Between those two things we have all kinds of meetings, doctors appointments and packing that must happen.  We have created a master schedule on the refrigerator door that is an attempt to make sure we don't forget anything. 

Poor Samson is very confused about everything that is going on.  This past Saturday, the trustees of the church came in to our current parsonage and pulled up the old flooring in the living room and hallway, which totally disrupted Samson's world as we had to move "his"sofa to the kitchen.  Then on Monday the flooring company came in and put down laminate in the living room and the entry way.  Samson is NOT pleased.  lol.  He doesn't like the slick floor, as he can't get any traction.  Which means, if he gets up on "his"sofa, he won't get down because he won't jump on the slick floor.  It is hilarious really.  The unfortunate part is, when we move, the new parsonage is hardwood throughout the main floor.  Poor guy.   He is going to be so excited to see area rugs.   This is going to be such a big adjustment for him. 

As for the pregnancy, we have arrived at the third trimester!  Week 28 is here!   (Only 11 to go, for those of you counting).  This week I have been very hungry.  I mean...I can eat all. the. time.  Crazy.  I have gained a couple of pounds, but still nothing significant. I go back to the doctor tomorrow for the official weigh in and measure.  The baby is still very active and hates to have anything touching the belly.  I have had what I believe to be Braxton Hicks this week.  My belly gets very tight, like she is stretching, but doesn't hurt.  I know it isn't just her stretching because the belly is pulling from side to side across while baby girl is kicking my bladder.  I plan to ask my doctor about these strange sensations tomorrow as well.  I am still getting pretty tired throughout the day.  I feel like I could just sleep and eat all day.  It has been pretty tough finding motivation some days. 

So, to sum up this week:  Samson turned 4, I am now  a stay at home mommy, and we have hit the third trimester.  Good grief! 


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