
I am not even sure where to begin today.  I missed posting last week because of life/traveling/excuses, but I want to make sure I am documenting the end of this pregnancy.  Every time I remind myself that it is the end of the pregnancy I get all hormonal and weepy.  Knowing this is our last baby is killing me, even though I know it is for the best.  Maybe one day we can foster or adopt, which is a dream of mine, but knowing I will never feel these little (big) kicks and squirms is hard to let go of.  Even though I am getting to the difficult days I still don't want to tell myself that I am ready for this to be over, because in many ways, I'm not. 

I feel like I hardly remember last week as it seems so long ago.  I do remember that I went to the doctor twice, and that baby boy is still doing just fine.  Last week was also dance recital week and Elliott was such a beautiful ballerina!  She really is a natural at dance and is super graceful on stage.  I was so much more pleased with this recital as I felt it was very much more kid appropriate than when she was with the other studio.  As of right now she says she doesn't want to dance next year, but instead she wants to do gymnastics.  She is very into the idea of flipping and all that and I can she is eager to explore that.  I am hoping that maybe she doesn't want to give up dance entirely. 

Drew seems to be going through a growth spurt and is also finding a bit more aggression.  I have noticed him wanting to hit and wrestle much more lately.  He also seems to need a nap from time to time, where as before he didn't seem to need it as much.  He is getting a little belly on him, which is cute but hard on the pants.  lol 

Sunday I attempted to play my clarinet at church and I went with the full intention of standing to play, but baby boy had other ideas.  I ended up having to sit down and still questioned whether I could do it!  He is taking up lots of room and squishing my diaphragm!

After church we loaded up and headed north.  Matthew went on to Covington for Annual Conference and the kids and I headed to Shelbyville to stay the night so I could go to the dr the next morning, then we headed to Covington as well.  There are certain parts of Annual Conference that I love, the ordination/confirmation service is at the top of that list.  I was able to attend that service and enjoyed seeing others from around the conference.  Tuesday I took the kids to the aquarium, which *may* have been too much for me.  By the time I got back to the hotel, I was in quite a bit of pain.  After consulting dr google I was very worried that it was more than Braxton Hicks.  Matthew was obligated all day Tuesday and very very late into the night.  It did not help my anxiety being alone in a hotel room with my children wondering if I was about to have a baby.  I decided to try and sleep and see what happens, which apparently was a decent choice.  I felt some better on Wednesday and today has been fine.  I did notice this morning when baby boy was kicking, his feet seemed to be on "the wrong side".  He has been spine on the right side through the last several weeks.  When I got to the dr this morning I asked during the ultrasound and sure enough, now he is spine on the left.  Maybe that flipping is what hurt so bad?  Not sure, but hopes he knocks that off. 

Dr. Buck and Valerie the nutritionist are both out next week...so please please pray that this baby stays put next week with no scares.  I really want Dr. Buck to deliver. 

Matthew and I will be celebrating our 11 year anniversary tomorrow.  It is really hard to believe that we have been married that long.  (Or that I am old enough to be married that long.)  We are some real party people though, he will be planning a funeral and visiting shut-ins and some hospital patients.  I need groceries.  Getting old and being parents really changes things.  Happy Anniversary!

Here are some pics from the last couple of weeks!
True Personalities....
 Eating Calamari...

 Ice cream!

 The sting rays loved Drew....

 36 weeks and the ballerina
 Elliott and her dance instructor Ms. Diane
 37 Weeks.  He flipped to his other side...


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