
Showing posts from January, 2019

Anatomy scan week!

Today I am 18 weeks and the baby is as big as a sweet potato (or a bell pepper, depending on which app I use).  Baby is mastering the art of the yawn and may begin hiccuping!  Baby's nervous system is developing more acutely as well, honing in on those five senses.  My tailbone pain has eased off some (hallelujah!) however those round ligament pains have more than made up the difference.  I can feel my tummy stretching more and after two previous csections my muscles are not as up for the challenge.  I have started wearing a support belt sometimes, to help those muscles support my growing tummy, however I feel like the belt makes my belly look more like I have eaten far too much instead of the cute pregnant tummy.  It is kind of a no win...without it, I hurt, with it, I just look fat.  :(  But these are minor and I honestly can't complain much.  Elliott is on snow day 23,556 (or #8 but seriously, it feels like a million) and all my childr...

"Only 17 weeks? But you are SO big!" and other things you shouldn't say to the pregnant lady....

Baby is now the size of a turnip, which means absolutely nothing to my kids, or you can compare to the size of your open palm.  This week baby will practice sucking for the first time and will be developing fingerprints!  Who knew that happened so early?  Baby is also starting to kick with more gusto, although it still can't be felt on the outside yet, but I have a feeling it won't be long.  We have another week and a couple of days until we find out gender and to say that I am excited is an understatement.  Matthew and I keep going back and forth about how we want the ultrasound to go, kids with us or no.  On one hand I think it will be awesome to let them look and see the baby for themselves, but on the other hand, if they do find something wrong with the baby that would be hard enough to process, just the two of us.  So we are still on the fence about that, but we will have to figure it out soon.  If you haven't seen it, we are having a simpl...

Growing pains!

Today starts week 16 and our little one is now the size of an avacado.  This week the baby is able to move its eyes, even though they aren't open yet, and since the bones in the ear are now in place it is likely that baby can now hear my voice!  Sorry baby...mama sings a lot!  This week started rough with the tailbone, but has been some better in the last couple of days.  Today I even went to the library with NO cushion!  Amazing!  My lower abdomen has been uncomfortable the past couple of days but it feels like normal growing and stretching.  Baby is just making more room.  My glucose has been a bit more consistent this week, which is great, but that being said I have had two big drops (one today) and those are no fun.  I was very thankful that Matthew has been able to help with the kiddos both times.  After I "recover" my glucose I get extremely tired.  Today I don't think I could have stayed awake not one more minute...which ...

Week 15

Today starts week 15 and apparently I am 4 months pregnant, according to the "What to Expect" app and that seems impossible.  This pregnancy is going so quickly!  Baby is the size of a naval orange and its ears have moved close to position and it is able to move its eyes!  Baby is also trying out this whole kicking and rolling thing, which is becoming more frequent.  I told someone this week that I worried every time I sat down to write this blog that I wouldn't have anything to say, and yet the words seem to always flow.  I want to remember my pregnancies and all the details surrounding them.  I find that there are things I barely remember about my other pregnancies and things that I thought were so different, apparently aren't that different after all.  This last week (or two) my tailbone has been a special kind of hurting.  My cushion pretty much goes everywhere with me and sometimes even walking is miserable.  Last week I worked on re...

Week 14 and the lies they tell...

Week 14 means that baby is about the size of a lemon or your clenched fist!  Baby is doing much more movement, and I can feel it more evidently and he or she is using much more force than a couple of weeks ago.  Sometimes it catches me by surprise and makes me giggle.  Baby is also beginning to sprout hair...although, I doubt it will be much guessing from the other two.  I am firmly planted in the second trimester now, according to all the "experts".  Supposedly I am supposed to feel so much better now than I did in the first trimester.  So far, I can tell you, that is a lie.  (Sorry to any First time expectant mommies reading this.).  I am still just as tired.  Yesterday I barely had the energy to pick myself up and get a few basic things done.  I managed to shower, cook dinner, and take the Christmas decorations down, and that was all I could peel myself up to do.  Also, last night and tonight both I had trouble with dinner sitt...