Weeks 22 and 23

This post covers the last two weeks, partially because I struggle some weeks to catch up and mostly because I knew that I wanted to take our annual "Bishop" picture and that would happen between weeks.  The past two weeks have been the beginning of the end here in Elizabethtown.  We celebrated with Memorial Angels Childcare at one of their staff meetings, remembered the loss of a sweet boy with a dear friend, celebrated a birthday, and today a baptism.  We have made such good friends here and that will be very hard to leave as I have learned so much from the people here.  God has truly blessed us here.

The week before last included the real start of our packing.  (don't judge, we are master procrastinators!)  We also had to consider packing for annual conference and planning ahead for Elliott's upcoming transition into the new house.  Sunday afternoon we drove up to Covington, KY for Annual Conference 2014.  Elliott did better in the hotel room, but sleep was still a rare commodity. On Monday Elliott and I went to the aquarium while Daddy was in meetings.  That evening we were able to celebrate Matthew's ordination with family and friends which was a beautiful ceremony...definitely one of my favorite events of Annual Conference every year.  Tuesday we spent a little time at IKEA (LOVE!) and just hanging out.  Wednesday was the reading of appointments, which is bittersweet for many.  Saying goodbye to old districts/churches and saying hello to new ones.

Once we returned home it has seriously been a time of trying to get back into our routine, pack like crazy, oh...and we had a dr appointment to check on baby W.  We repeated his anatomy scan and he is most definitely a boy, and proud of it.  We were still unable to see all of the heart because of the way he is curled up in there.  Everything looks good and even though we couldn't see all of the heart, what we could see looks good and we see no reason to worry at this time.   Baby W weighs just over a pound which is right where he is supposed to be.

I am doing well other than being uncomfortable from my tailbone and round ligaments stretching.  Last week I had to do a 24 hour urine collection, which I failed. Apparently, there was too much protein in my urine, which indicates risk of pre eclampsia, and of course kidney damage.  I am repeating it this week, so prayers that last week was a fluke would be great.  Baby W is moving and getting stronger everyday.  It is funny to begin hearing all of the name guesses that are flying around.  :)  Keep them coming.

This week will be filled with packing.  It is coming together, but still so much to go.  The next week will be moving week and "pray the toddler sleeps" week.  A couple of weeks full of emotion.

Here are some pics from this last week at Annual Conference.  Included is our "Bishop" picture.  I have to thank Bishop Lindsey Davis for being willing to take a picture with us every year.  It began two years ago when I really wanted to "compare bellies" with the Bishop while I was expecting Elliott, but Matthew poopoo'ed that, so I had to settle for a simple picture with him.  Last year I thought it was only fitting to get a picture with the Bishop and Elliott (out of the belly! of course!) and this year Baby W needed a picture too!  Enjoy!


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