21 weeks

21 weeks...I am over the halfway point.  This pregnancy is flying by.  With Elliott it seemed to take forever to get to the next "phase" but with this one it seems that I reach the next milestone before I even realize it. In 18 weeks (ish) we will get to meet my sweet boy.  Shew.

This past week was spent in a fair routine.  Elliott is growing and adding new words and sentences (!!) every day.  She is really coming into her own personality.  She is also eating us out of house and home....I'm thinking growth spurt.  (It is about time!) Yesterday we had a carnival event at church and Elliott melted down the ENTIRE time. When we got there we walked by the dunking booth and Mark was dunked and I guess it scared her, but she never recovered.  She had a low grade fever too so I was worried about her having an ear infection, but today she seems fine.  Kids.

Baby W is becoming active....very active.  He is moving and grooving in there like crazy.  Matthew can feel him moving as well.  It is still faint from the outside, but there is no doubt it is him.  He is slowly gaining strength and before long I know it I will be rather uncomfortable.

I am still feeling well, although my tailbone is causing quite a bit of discomfort.  I have a hard time transitioning from sitting to standing and vice versa and sleep is miserable.  I went through this with Elliott as well, but it was further along in the pregnancy.  I took my donut pillow to church this morning, of course some made fun of me, but at least I wasn't miserable.  My blood glucose went up a little this week, but nothing major.  I meet with my regular OB and the DE this week.  Nothing significant at either appointment.

This next week we are packing and preparing more for the move and then we have Annual conference.  Only 3 more weeks until the move.  It is hard to believe.  Pray for our transition.

This week you get a bonus pic....Elliott's "After Nap" hair.  It is AWESOME.


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