
Showing posts from August, 2012

She's here!

If you haven't already heard.... Elliott Grace Kimmons is here!  She arrived at 1:08 pm on Sunday, August 26th.  She weighed 7lbs and 7ozs and measured 19 1/4 inches long.  In other words.....she is PERFECT! Saturday I woke up to contractions and we measured them throughout the day.  They were very consistant at 10 minutes ALL DAY LONG.  lol.  Finally, that night I gave up and went to bed, figuring that nothing was going to happen and that we would have the C-section on Monday as planned.  Well, at about 4:30 on Sunday morning the contractions were awful and down to about 7 minutes apart.  We called our doctor, but were told to go on to the hospital.  When we arrived we were sent to triage.  They were unsure about whether to send me home to wait til the next morning, or to try and go ahead with delivery.  Baby Girl was the determining factor.  She wasn't very responsive on the monitor, so they sent us to ultrasound wh...

So here's the deal...

I know many of you are very curious about what's going on...."it's the 22nd....shouldn't there be a baby??"  Well...yes, but no.  lol.  The original plan was that I would be induced today - but that plan was with my original OB/GYN, who is out on an extended maternity leave.  So the doctor I have been seeing has had to alter the plan.  First of all, Baby Girl and I are fine.  Both healthy, as far as we can tell.  :)  But I have the possibility of some complications so to avoid those, we have scheduled a c-section for Monday afternoon.  It will be on Monday because that is the day that my current dr does surgery at the hospital and because the hospital has a rule that if there is no medical emergency, then the baby can't be taken until 39 weeks.  :)  Now, that doesn't mean that baby girl won't decide to come on her own...and that if she does that I can't deliver naturally, it just means for now, we are planning to avoid possible comp...

Still waiting....

I appreciate many of you following our little story.  Thank you for your kind words and support.  We went to the doctor today and honestly, there isn't much to report.  We are still waiting.  lol.  My in-laws are putting stock on this storm system about to move through....I'm not so sure.  Matthew and I (mostly me) are anxious for this baby to make her debut.  I figure if I'm not getting any sleep and I am super uncomfy, there might as well be a baby with it!  This week has been fairly quiet.  On Sunday our new church family threw us a baby shower.  The kindness and generosity of this church has been overwhelming!   This baby girl is already so rotten, and she isn't even here yet.  Thanks to everyone who came out, sent gifts, prayers or words of encouragement!  It was a beautiful afternoon! Not a lot of updates on the nursery this is as ready as it is going to get before she arrives.  :)  I ha...

10 pounds of baby in a 5 pound belly....

Or something like that.  lol.  When I went to the doctor today I found that I have lost weight again.  From the start of pregnancy to today, I am officially up 5 pounds.  Since baby girl weighed in at just over 7 last week...I figure that means I have lost weight.  Today I also feel that baby girl has less room in there.  I am not sure if she got bigger, I got smaller, or both, but I am super uncomfortable.  Every time she decides to move it is slightly painful.  Today as I was driving to the doctors office she was sticking her bum out on one side...I pushed her bum to move her out of that position so that I could drive and she promptly put it right back out there.  She is going to be "little miss independence", I can feel it.  Matthew and I were joking at dinner about the #1 questions we were being asked these days.  For Matthew it is "So, do we have a baby yet?".  For me, it is "How are ya feeling?".  Chances are if yo...

Full Term!

There is so much that I would love to share with you this week, but some of it may be shared later.  This week is 36 weeks so we are officially full term.  I am feeling "full term" as well.  If you remember from last week since baby girl failed her NST we were able to see her in ultrasound and found that she was head down.  This week not only is she head down, but she has dropped!  She usually uses my ribs to push herself around in there, but now her short little legs can't reach!  lol.  She is creating a lot of "pressure" for me and has made me rather uncomfortable.  Since she has descended she has also caused my right foot (yep, just the right one) to swell.  Today is a bit better than yesterday, but I am not loving the swelling.  I am in general far more uncomfortable and just about ready for her to make her appearance. Yesterday we went to the doctor for the 36 week check up.  We did another growth ultrasound on Baby Girl and ...