
Showing posts from March, 2012

18 Weeks

So, I just realized that in this weeks picture I look REALLY tired, but honestly, I feel great.  So, never mind the dark circles and the washed out color...I'm good, it has just been a long day!  So I have hit week 18 and things are going well.  I weird sickness, no terrible round ligament pains this week, but I am still eating like a crazy woman...probably because the baby has obviously hit a growth spurt.  I have felt the baby moving like wild child this week....although today has been very quiet.  I have told myself not to worry....because we could just be growing more in there.... Many of my friends who are also expecting are finding out what gender they are having.  We tried last week, but the baby didn't cooperate.  I am getting very anxious to find out if we are having a boy or a girl.  Many of you have expressed your opinion this week...and I love hearing it!  Three more weeks.....Three more weeks.... Tomorrow I am "getting my hair ...

Week 17

This week has been crazy.  Between grad school midterms, a HUGE program at school, and my upcoming change at work, I am unsure if I am coming or going.  I have been incredibly tired this week, the round ligament pains have been excruciating, and my legs are very sore.  It is amazing how before I was pregnant I could have a week like this, take an extra nap, and keep going, but now, I am down for the count.  I may or may not be able to move tomorrow.  lol.  We went back for a check up with the doctor this week.  Everything still looks great!  Woohoo!  My doctor is awesome and worked some magic to get us into an ultrasound as well.  It wasn't scheduled, so we really didn't think there was a shot of that, but she got us in.  We were so pumped.  I couldn't sit still before we went in!  I kept thinking that we would know if our sweet baby was a boy or a girl, and we would know what to call it!  But alas, our baby is just ...

Week 16

The weeks seem to be going by pretty quickly....maybe it's because we are crazy busy, or, probably just crazy busy.  I am feeling SO MUCH better this week!  My sinus infection is mostly gone and it has taken the nausea with it.  I have been having some other pain that I plan on asking my doctor about next week, but it seems to be pretty normal.  This week I am STARVING.  True story.  I have been eating a lot. I mean, I have been eating good stuff, because I have to...but I eat a lot of it.  Should be interesting to see if/how much weight I have gained this time. Foods I currently love:  Grapes Raisins Macaroni and Cheese Kraft Singles (more cheese) Chocolate (Sugar Free of course!) pudding I am still super tired.  Last night I feel asleep on the sofa around 9:30pm.  I woke up at 4:00 am.  My husband said he tried to wake me up 4 times, to no avail.  I was still in my work clothes.  Ridiculous. This we...

Holy Cow! Are you SURE you aren't having twins? And other things to deflate a preggo girl's self esteem...

I must be approaching Hindenburg status, because this week I have heard it all in relation to my ever growing belly.  I think if I were a skinny girl hearing all of this, it wouldn't quite have the same effect.  But as someone who has always been a "chunky"'s kinda rough hearing people comment on my size.  As far as we know, there is only one little cutie in there. This week I have had a monster sinus has been rough.  Thankfully, no more morning sickness or nausea.  I have almost kicked the sinus infection....almost. We did brave the Little Treasures Consignment sale today.  We picked up a few things, but not knowing gender makes those outings a bit harder.  I am on the lookout for an Easter dress a much more difficult task when pregnant.  :) Matthew and I have been discussing names at length this week.  I *think* we are settled, but as many times as we have changed our minds....that could be up for debate....

2nd Trimester is taking me down...

So, the past couple of days I really haven't felt well.  I have had quite a bit of drainage and a sore throat.  Yesterday I slept.  Yep, that's pretty much it.  This morning I was still feeling pretty rough, so I decided that I would not go to Sunday School but I would attend the Worship service.  So much for that.  2nd Trimester morning sickness took me down hard.  The weather people are saying we could get snow it bad that I am hoping for a snow day tomorrow? Pretty Please?

Week 14 Update

This week was rough.  They (being friends and the trusty internet) tell me that the second trimester is the best.  Well.....they lied.  So far I am FAR more exhausted and have even struggled with nausea a bit.  This week between the exhaustion, the CrAzY hormones (think tears, lots of tears), and my second 5 day work week since December, I am ready to pretend this week never happened and start again next week. lol.  Many of my coworkers this week have commented and began rubbing the belly.   They say I have really "popped" out there this week.  You can see from the picture below that, well, it's true.  Other than being so tired and a bit queasy in the morning, all is well.  I am finding that I do love dill pickles (I might have had 3 at lunch...) and I really want a big candy bar....which of course is a big no no.  I am getting very anxious to find out if baby is a boy or a girl.  Did I say anxious, cause I think I might just ...