Good news!

Matthew and I have been discussing starting a family for quite a while now.  We know that we want a house full of children but we also knew that it would be best to wait until we had finished our Master's degrees.  For the past few months we have felt God calling to us, individually at first, and then as a couple.  God has been speaking to us not only about having biological children, but He has also been preparing our hearts for adoption.  We have both been hearing God's call to adopt a child.  We tried to conveniently put off the call, but when God brought an adoption agent to our church with paperwork, we had to listen. We have explored several options and have decided that for now the best fit for us is to adopt domestically.  We know that God is most likely preparing us for an international adoption later in life, but for now, we are going to take the domestic route.  We put in our preliminary application...AND WE WERE ACCEPTED!!  We are to submit another round of paperwork and the home study begins.  We are so excited we could pop! 

We ask that you pray for us during this time in our lives.  We also ask you to pray for our child and his/her family.  Thank you for sharing our joy and excitement! 


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