Change of Venue?
So today we were out doing our (hopefully) last bit of Christmas shopping, and we decided to have dinner at Chic-fil-a. While there I am watching all the kiddos play and the families enjoy dinner, wishing our turn would hurry up, when a woman and this beautiful toddler caught my eye. I knew the child had to be adopted and I felt God prodding me to go talk to her - which would be COMPLETELY out of my character. I don't really go up to random people and discuss matters this personal, however, God led me, and I went. The beautiful girl had been adopted from Ethiopia, and she had only just arrived about 8 weeks ago. We continued to chat about their experience and previous experience, and the criteria needed for Ethiopian adoption. Through this, my heart soared. I have been really conflicted regarding adoption. I know I want to adopt children, however, I haven't felt settled on the domestic adoption. I really feel as if I am being called to international adoption and doing a little research has shown, that there isn't that much cost difference. It will take a little bit longer, which makes me a bit sad, but it will be well worth the wait.
Matthew is not feeling well tonight and is not really willing to discuss today. I am hoping that with some prayer that maybe we could consider Ethiopian adoption. Pray for our hearts and for God's will.
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