34 Weeks. What?

According to the "What to Expect" app baby boy should be 17-18 inches long and about 15 pounds. I am not sure on his length but baby boy measured in at 4 pounds 14 ounces on Monday. That places him in the 46th percentile. Perfect! This week baby boy did much better with his BPPs and was able to pass them quickly. He still loves to keep his hands and feet in front of his face. He rolls and pushes away from the ultrasound every time. haha. He is doing really great with his practice breathing and today I saw him trying to suck and doing some practice swallowing. Tuesday I began having some Braxton Hicks contractions, which were more painful than I remember. Of course, baby boy hated those because they were invading his space, so he literally fought them every single time. Needless to say, I am very sore. I had more contractions last night and I spoke with Dr. Buck about it this morning and at this point she isn't too...