
Showing posts from February, 2019

22 Weeks...

This week we have reached 22 weeks and baby is now about the size of a spaghetti squash or small doll and is finally over a pound!  Baby is fine tuning its senses including vision, hearing and grip.  His kicks are becoming more frequent and quite a bit stronger and if you catch him at the correct moment you can not only see his kicks but you can feel them too.  He likes to face my spine, so many of his kicks are very internal, which is frustrating to Elliott.  This week has been far less busy than last week, but I haven't felt as well.  My sinuses have been hurting quite a bit, along with my ear.  I thought for sure yesterday that I was working on a sinus infection, but I do feel better today.  Not much you can take while pregnant, so you just kind of have to ride it out.  The flu is still rampant here and I am trying to avoid being out too much.  I did take Drew to the library today, but the lady sitting next to me was coughing something a...

What a week!

Today makes 21 weeks in this pregnancy and baby is about the size of a banana.  This week we switch from measuring crown to rump to crown to heel.  Baby's arms and legs have reached a proportional stage.  Baby is also developing taste buds and I am sure he will let me know his thoughts.  haha.  Neurons are also firing together which makes baby have much more control and coordination over his movements.  Monday night (my birthday) we listened to baby with a fetal Doppler.  Matthew started playing with the baby by tapping on my tummy and we could hear baby boy kick him back.  It was so cute!  This last week has been so full, I'm not sure where to start!  Last week we celebrated Valentine's day at home.  I took Elliott to ballet class while Matthew and Drew set up dinner.  They put out a table cloth, chargers and (battery operated) candles.  We were served fancy leftovers (haha!) while Drew was our waiter.  It was very...

Woah, oh! Halfway there...

You know you sang that...and likely at least the next line.  ;)  Today marks 20 weeks, which is halfway through the pregnancy.  According to the "What to Expect" app this week baby boy is roughly the size of a mango, weighing 10 ounces and measuring about six and a half inches from crown to rump.  While I am thankful to be this far along and grateful that this pregnancy has been relatively easy, I am also very sad. Many would say that the sadness is simply pregnancy hormones, but it is much deeper than hormones.  With each passing day of this pregnancy I come closer to the end of this phase of life.  This is my last pregnancy.  The last time I will hit 20 weeks.  The last time I get to feel these baby kicks from the inside.  While I am SO exited to meet this little boy, I dread the end of this pregnancy knowing I will never get to have this experience again.  Words cannot fully express my emotions but it is easy to say that I am more t...

19 weeks and it is a BOY!

Sorry I'm a day late...I may be in the second trimester but the exhaustion has not let up.  I ended up going to bed instead posting.  If you missed our big reveal party or video, Baby Kimmons is a BOY!  We are thrilled and so excited to meet him!  Drew is over the moon about it and tells everyone he is getting a brother.  Elliott is not as excited.  I think she will warm up to it, especially when he gets here.  One day she will appreciate that she gets to have a room to herself while the boys share and she gets to keep her girly things to herself.  Several people have asked me if I am doing okay with the fact that baby is a boy....yes!  I am GREAT with that!  haha!  I have often wondered how I am going to survive the drama and sass of one girl, much less two!  God knows exactly what He is doing!  We won't share baby's name, but his initials are DMK.  :)  Baby D is about the size of a tomato this week.  T...