Drew is three months

In all fairness, I wrote a blog post for his one month but it didn't save and I didn't try again.  So,I have lots to say now! These last few months have been such an incredible transition and learning experience.  Having two is definitely....different.  lol.

Drew is doing amazingly well.  He is gaining weight like crazy and LOVES to eat.  Seriously, he eats all. the. time.  When Elliott was this size I could plan the whole day because she ate on the same schedule every day.  Drew?  Not so much.  He eats a little here, a little there, a little more, and a little bit more.  If he is awake, there are lots of feedings happening.  We had some gas issues in the first couple of months, but we have since figured most of those out.  ( I think it was something I was eating...aka...chili. lol)  Assuming he is not gassy or hungry, Drew is exceptionally happy.  He is constantly smiling and cooing at pretty much anyone who will talk to him.  He loves to be in motion.  :)

We have had some issues recently with eczema, but I think we have gotten it under control.  With Elliott, there seemed to be no skin issue that a good round of Aquaphor couldn't fix, but with Drew it wasn't cutting it.  Our ped was generally unhelpful.  (Hence, we are switching at the 4 month check).  But a combination of Hydro-cortisone cream and Dermasil/Eucirin Eczema knocked it out in just a day or so.  Bless him it was oozing and bleeding. On a related note, finding a pediatrician here that I like has been so hard.  The one we have been seeing barely lets us get a word in about our concerns and always seems like she is trying to prove something.  In this arena, I miss Etown.  We saw a different one in the practice at our last "sick" visit and I really liked her.  We are going to see her at Drew's 4 month check and see if that is better.  Fingers crossed.

Elliott did really great with Drew in the beginning.  She was always loving on him and wanting to hold his hand and give him kisses.  Well, y'all, the new has worn off for that girl.  She has become very jealous and gets upset when Matthew or I have to pick him up.  That boy can be screaming at the top of his lungs and she totally melts down.  It is real fun times.  Any time there is separation now, especially with Matthew, there is a full on tantrum.    Bedtime, when he leaves for work, if he goes to another part of the house.  It is rough.

Having two has been a challenge.  The hardest part so far has been the feeling of being "trapped" in the house.  Meaning, I don't go out very much with the kiddos and so many times the four walls of our house seem to be closing in upon me.  It is so hard to dress myself, two children, pump, pack bags and load the car to simply go walk through a store, or pick up a few things, or whatever.  It just doesn't seem to be worth it, so we stay home.  Thankfully, I am not dealing with PPD on top of these feelings, but it does take its toll.  I have gained a little weight (yeah, cause I needed that after having a baby) and I have little motivation to do much of anything and I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I am always at home and am not very active.

All that being said, I do truly love being a mom and spending time with my kids.  Elliott is a lot of fun right now.  She loves to play ball and sing.  OH does she love to sing!  Tonight before bed I got a full concert including "Twinkle, Twinkle", "Baa Baa Black Sheep", "ABC's", "Row, Row, Row your boat", "Tony Chestnut", and "Jingle Bells".  After I put her down we heard excerpts from "Frozen".  lol.  Drew is so fun with his smiling and playing.  He loves, loves, loves to be talked to and sung to. They are both so fun and it is so fun to watch them learn and grow.

In no particular order:

Elliott has a big "Oyaf" that she sleeps with, she thought Drew needed to sleep with her little one.  :)

"Mommy!  Take a picture...ahhhh"

Superman!  Halloween

Daddy and the Ladybug playing "ballerina"

She is loving on her "baby"

Meeting Aunt Lisa, Uncle Chris and Lauren for the first time!

Sweet Lauren loves to hold Drew

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Sharing is not our strong suit right now. 

Look at my happy boy!

Drew and Great Grandpa Carl


Elliott is helping feed baby Drew

My babies holding hands

Elliott "snuggling" with baby Drew


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