A Mommy's Heart...

It has been a long time since I have posted anything.  I have had the longing and desire to post, but for the last year this has been "Elliott's blog" and not so much my own.  Where I love my child and I know that you love seeing her pictures and learning about her, there is so much more going on in my heart that I need to get out.

I am being called to be more present for my friends...specifically my mommy friends.  This last year of being a mother myself has changed my perspective in ways I never imagined possible.  In this last year I have rejoiced with friends who found out they were expecting or who have given birth, I have cried and mourned with friends who have miscarried or lost their sweet children.  No parent should ever lose a child.  Ever.  I really want to do more with/for my mommy friends.  I want to grow deeper in faith with them, learn from them, laugh with them, and be a better parent because of them.  Mommy friends should know that I pray for you daily.  I hope and pray that God may use me in you life to help ease a burden, to walk beside you during times of need, and to listen to your mommy heart.


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