A mother's heart...

This past week has shaken me as a mother.  Now that I have a child of my own my entire world and perspective has changed.  On Monday, June 11th, two of my dear friends welcomed babies into the world.  One friend struggled through a rough delivery to welcome a 10 pound beautiful baby girl.  Seriously, that baby is beautiful!  The whole family was waiting for that sweet girl to arrive.  Her nursery was ready, her brother was ready, and momma was ready for sure.  It was such an exciting time in the life of their family.  But down the hall, another sweet momma had delivered a sweet baby boy, who had a much different fate.  The sweet boy had received a fatal diagnosis during the pregnancy.  The family knew that he would only be with them a matter of moments before he was returned to heaven.  He had three hours here with his earthly family where he was shown unconditional and overwhelming love.  The entire family gathered to share in his short life.  It was a beautiful story, but so heart wrenching. 

I sat up that evening crying inconsolably.  The thought of my sweet friend and her husband facing that kind of experience broke my heart.  I couldn't imagine what they must be thinking or feeling.  No parent should have to lose a child.  Even more, it seems so unfair that two wonderful parents such as them should have to go through this.  On the other hand, I believe that the sweet baby deserved someone like them to show him so much love. 

This has shaken me to the core.  Fear, anxiety, and an indescribable sadness have grown within me and I can't help but to think not only about my dear friend and how this will effect her future, but also selfishly about myself and how I would even begin to handle this situation should that be something our family were to face.   I think my friend and her husband are two of the strongest, most beautiful people I know.  They have held themselves with such grace and strength through this entire experience.  I pray for them in the upcoming days, weeks, months and years as they mourn their sweet boy.  May they find peace and courage to face each day and figure out where to go from here. 


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