So, I know....Mommy fail. It has been a whole month since I last posted! My previous routine was to blog in the evenings in front of the good ole tv....boy have those days changed! Making time to blog has gotten the shaft for sleep, washing bottles, and of course taking care of our sweet girl. I will try really hard to be better this next month....
So what has been happening?
Well, Elliott is now smiling! A big ole gummy grin! It is seriously the cutest thing ever. AND she coos and chatters...A LOT. When she finally does start talking I don't think she will ever stop. She has turned into an amazing baby. She rarely cries - only when she is hungry or their is a rogue air bubble. Otherwise, she sleeps and talks and smiles. LOVE.
Elliott has also had lots of firsts...
1.) Elliott began taking real baths in a tub in the sink. She likes the water and is beginning to kick and splash a little. She is very quiet in the tub....for now.
2.) Elliott has been attending church since her 5th week and she has behaved beautifully. No crying or far. We get lots of compliments on her behavior.
3.) Shots. :( Not happy times. Elliott did really well....Mommy - not so much! A slight fever and lots of sleepiness for Elliott.
4.) First road trips. We have now been to visit both sets of her grandparents. She did really well with the travel part, it was the sleeping when we got home that was rough.
5.) First outings....we have been out and about a lot this last month. We frequent Target quite a bit. She has also been out to eat with us a couple of times and out to visit with friends.
6.) Elliott had her first Halloween where she was a peapod. Adorable.
What else?
We are still working on Elliott's sleep patterns. She sleeps very well - from the hours of 1am - 10am. Really...during that time she only wakes to have a diaper change and maybe a small bottle, then right back to sleep. Now if I could only get her to do that starting at like 9pm....
Elliott is too big for newborn sized clothing, yet too small for 0-3 month clothing. When she is wearing her cloth diapers the 0-3 fit better than with the disposables. AND many of you have asked about the cloth is going really well. We do like it. It really is pretty easy and works much better for her especially at night.
When we went to the doctor for her 2 month check up and shots Elliott weighed 10 1/2 pounds and measured in at 21 3/4 inches. That places her in the 50th (ish) percentile for weight (and also the circumference of her head) and the 40th (ish) percentile for length. Ha! Sound familiar?
What's in a name?
We have gotten A LOT of questions about Elliott's name this month. So before I answer, I don't feel the need to defend our is our child and we chose the name we loved. But hopefully this will answer many of those lingering questions....
1. Isn't Elliott a boy name? I guess maybe traditionally....but I feel it is pretty gender neutral.
2. Is Elliott a family name? Not as far as we know...
3. Is she named after anyone?, but...sort of. I heard the name on a tv show (no...not scrubs) and LOVED it. At the same time that we were discussing names, I had also read a couple of books that had mentioned a missionary by the name Elizabeth Elliot. She and her husband had an amazing story. If you want you can read about it
4. What do you call her? Elliott. That is her name. We also call her Ellie, or Sweet Pea, or Pumpkin.
5. What do your families think of her name? Well, I guess they like it. They haven't told us otherwise.
Mommy & Daddy...
I am doing really well since delivery. I still get sore from time to time, but otherwise am great. I lost 25 pounds after delivery and as far as I can tell...have kept it off. I am beginning to feel like a normal person again...getting enough sleep to function, going out in public and even showering on a regular basis. I have begun to make bows....this could be dangerous.
Matthew is REALLY busy...he rarely gets a whole day off. Good thing he loves what he does. Elliott definitely already has him wrapped around her little finger. She will be a Daddy's girl for sure!
The part you have all been waiting for....PICTURES!
Samson...snoozing with Mommy and Elliott |
Mommy and her babies.... |
Getting ready for our first real bath... |
Samson is ready too |
Is she going to sleep through it? |
Seriously? |
She isn't so sure.... |
This isn't so bad... |
Don't like this's cold! |
Elliott in those crazy big cloth diapers.... |
Bath time is serious business! |
Elliott with her Great Grandpa... |
And Great Grandma |
2 Months old!! |
Samson couldn't be left out... |
Our Halloween Sweet pea! |
More Halloween fun... |
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