Real Pants!

If you can't tell, I am super pumped that A.)  I found my pre-pregnancy pants since the move. B.) I fit into *some* of the pants I had before being pregnant.  C.)  I don't fit into all of them because (drum roll please!) they are TOO BIG!  Woot!  It has been great...I have been shopping in the boxes downstairs and fitting into all of those *one day* clothes.  Who would have thought that I would fit into them AFTER being pregnant? 

Anyway...enough about me.  I just had to share my excitement.  Elliott is *gasp* almost a month old.  I am having a hard time coming to terms with that.  Time is going too fast! Elliott is growing more and more everyday.  She is beginning to settle into a routine and we are definitely figuring each other out.  She is becoming more consistent in her sleep...I prefer to go to bed at 9:30-10:00...she prefers 2:00am-2:30am.  She cluster feeds several times a day...which is great because that means that  she is growing, but it also means that I feel like I am feeding her ALL of the time.  lol.  Not that I have anything to compare her to, but she is a great baby.  She only cries when she is hungry.  She could care less if her diaper is dirty, but you best not let her be hungry.  She is beginning to smile more, which is super cute!  She also reaches some for the bottle and from time to time she will hold on to it.  She has been holding her head up since birth, but it is becoming more steady and she is able to keep it up for longer periods of time.  We also found this week that if we put her on her tummy for *tummy time* and she is propped up on her arms she can roll herself from her tummy to her back.  These things aren't all of the time, but it is enough to make Mommy awfully proud.  :)

I am beginning to get antsy here in the house.  Matthew has been gone a lot this last week for work, which has made this past week even more difficult.  Today we all went to Staples...I was so excited to be out!  (and I wore real pants!)  I am totally freaked out about taking Elliott out around it seems as though everyone is sick.  I don't want to expose her to germs this early if we can avoid it, but it is hard to be at home all day every day. 

Many of you have been asking for more here ya go.....

my three loves...

Elliott and Samson

She really does have her eyes open sometimes....

Elliott and Pastor Mike

I LOVE this! 

Love that smile!

Sleepy baby...

I am so excited about the little ruffled romper!  Mommy friends, you need to like the Mamabargains page on many great things for!

Samson LOVES her blanket....



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