38 ish...

I officially have one week until delivery, which seems unimaginable to me! I am definitely getting more emotional about it, I had to really control myself in church this morning when a sweet lady asked me about things. It is so bittersweet. These braxton hicks are so painful, my tailbone/sciatic nerve make it hard to walk, and my glucose has made this last week rough, but at the same time, I know that these are the last few days I have of ever being pregnant...the last kicks, rolls, and stretches from baby. This is definitely a hard turning point in life. Up until now, everything has been a new exciting season of firsts, or happy things, this is the first season change where I have truly felt sadness and pain. I say all of this, which is all true, and comes from the depths of my soul, but at the same time I know how blessed I have been and cannot express how thankful I am for this passing season. This weekend I spoke with three beautiful women, two ...