
Showing posts from March, 2014

What a rough week!

I'm not gonna lie...this last week has been ROUGH.  Sunday I woke up with what I thought were fairly normal pregnancy symptoms...nausea, achy, other not so lovely things....but ya know. I have had such a great pregnancy up until this point that I figured it was about time for some symptoms.  Monday morning rolled around and my back was killing me - I thought I had a kidney infection.  I called the dr and this lovely nurse (Someone remind me to send her flowers or something...seriously, she is amazing) told me that she believed that I had the stomach bug.  I doubted her....not sure why, but I did.  Within the hour I had no more doubts and I was sure death was eminent. Y'all, I made it 6 years of teaching with no stomach bug, but being a SAHM got me.  lol.  Then, of course, just as I was on the upswing...Elliott got it.  Thankfully she seemed to have a mild case, but sheesh.  NO FUN.  Both babies had a check up this week.  Yesterday...

11 Weeks.

I am so excited to be expecting baby #2.  I have been feeling the calling to be a mother for several years now.  I know it sounds crazy for that to be a "calling" but I truly believe it is my most important ministry.  Becoming a mother changed me in ways that I never expected and gave me a perspective that has absolutely changed my view of the world.  It is amazing how on the worst days I can be both completely frustrated and completely in love at the same time.  Even when Elliott is misbehaving (yes, it REALLY does happen!) I can't help but to laugh or think it is adorable.  Today I am 11 weeks pregnant with this baby.  This pregnancy has been much easier and significantly harder than the last so far.  Many of you know, I am diabetic, type 2, even when I am not pregnant.  This pregnancy has wreaked havoc on my diabetes and I began insulin pretty much the second I found out I was pregnant.  It doesn't seem to matter what I eat (or don'...

18 month update

Elliott recently turned 18 months and I felt as though I should update on all the things she is doing these days! Favorite foods:  Apples, pears, cheese, mac and cheese, sweet potatoes, turkey, bread, applesauce, toddler fruit pouches, goldfish, teddy grahams.... Favorite books:  Jamberry Hiccopotomus, Chugga Chugga Choo Choo, Cool Dog - School dog, Arthur's Valentine, Tanka Tanka Skunk Favorite TV shows: Bubble Guppies, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sid the Science kid, The wiggles Favorite songs: Itsy bitsy spider, Pop goes the weasel, Little teapot, Wheels on the bus Words she can say: Daddy, picess (mommy), up, stop, po (please), NO, uh huh, OH My!, shhhh, socks, shoes, toast, peaches, baby, more, Mooo, Quack... Other: She is beginning to walk more and more - she can do it, she just lacks confidence, she loves baby Maddison (the little girl I babysit), we still have to use the laundry basket in the tub, she hates to be dirty, she loves surprises, and is especi...