9 months

Summer is here and this Momma couldn't be happier!  I love summer and all that it brings...sunshine, grilling, pool, kids laughing in the neighborhood....love.it.  This last month has been somewhat slower, not as much traveling...but it seems like we are rarely home a full day anymore.  Between church, time with friends and the few outings we make it seems like we are out and about all of the time.  Elliott is such a good baby, always smiling.  People love to just stop and look at her.  She has gotten a new tooth on the top and I think the one next to it will come through to join it this week. 

Things Elliott can do:
*clap open handed
*travel...just not in a direction that she intends to go...lol
*take off her bow (makes Mommy sad)
*eat finger foods
*play in swimming pool
*chatter (this is so cute!)
*do some things when mommy requests...like play the music on her bouncy thing.  I sing the "William Tell Overture" and she turns around and pushes the button.
*find "nose"...we are working on eyes now.
*turn pages in books independently (in the correct direction)
*close the book when it is "the end"
*operate velcro. 

Things Elliott loves:
*sharing her toys and then taking them right back
*when Mommy has her she reaches for Daddy, and vice versa.  Favorite. game.
*Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Things Elliott doesn't like:
*being still
*wearing shoes
*or socks
*SUNGLASSES.  cries. every. time.
*being alone


I love this bow.  And that serious face!

My happy girl!

Headed to a Derby day outing!

Church was exhausting today. 

Playing outside!

A rare nap with Mommy

Early morning sillyness

Daddy's birthday!  And my first time playing with a balloon!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Mrs. Melissa had a birthday this month too!  Happy Birthday Mrs. Melissa!

So tired I can't even get my fingers in my mouth....

I found my tongue!

Playing in Mrs. Susan's office at church!

Cuddles with my Flamingo!

First time playing in the grass.  (Yes, we do mow the grass from time to time...)


Passed out. lol.

I can move...just not the direction I want to go....or forward...

I give up.

Look at my hair!

Playing in the pool! 

I love the water!

Mr. Mark had a birthday this month too!  Happy Birthday!

I just love this outfit!

Look at me!  9 months old! 

Look at my hat!

Love this picture! 

Happy me!


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