7 Months

This last month has been so busy it seems like it zoomed by!  From 6 month pictures, St. Patrick's Day, season of Lent, and various and sundry events I don't feel like we have had a moment to breathe.  From the looks of it, this next month will be the same!  Elliott is growing and changing so quickly and she is developing such a neat personality.  She is trying to figure out her boundaries and trying to figure out just how much power she has...lol.  When I leave the room it is a total meltdown....she even fusses if Matt is still with her.  It is both sweet and obnoxious.  lol. 

Things Elliott can do:
*sit up on her own
*shimmy on the floor  - by shimmy I mean wiggle until she travels somewhere, whether or not it is the direction she really wants to go
*hold the bottle when she wants to
*laugh when she toots or burps (hysterical!)
*make the "d", "b", "g" and "k" sounds
*quack during "Six little ducks"
*shake and hit things to see what kind of sound they make
*she has two teeth!
*She is finally getting enough hair to brush!

Things Elliott Loves:
*the remote control
*Oatmeal with Apples or pears
*Sweet potatoes
*Animal sounds
*Her toes
*"Six little ducks",  "I'm a little teapot",  "The Grand old duke of York" 
*Clapping (she doesn't do it independently yet)

Things Elliott doesn't like:
*Green beans (although she tolerates them...)
*Loud noises
*anything when she is sleepy.  lol

This next month will include Easter, Elliott's baptism and traveling to Florida for a conference.  So many exciting things happening!

The part you love! (If you haven't seen Elliott's official 6 month pics, check out my FB.  You won't be disappointed...they are super cute!)

Being silly with Mommy

My first time riding in the cart

Silly.  Like my shirt?

Nap time with Mommy.  These moments are rare. 

Hey!  Happy St. Paddy's day!

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Check out my hair!

What is this?

A new toy?

Samson likes my toes....


My favorite toy!

Whatcha doin?


Look at all that hair!

Samson is trying to hide...


I'm gonna eat it...

Getting closer...

Samson ears!

Told ya.



I love boxes!

This would be a sass face.  Some of you don't think she ever sasses. 

Okay I am done sassing.

I will help take the picture!

More sass.  At least it's cute!

7 months old!  Look how big!

and Happy!

In the box...

It makes a great chew toy....

How did that get here?

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I am my own party!

I love this book! 


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