Half birthday!

On Tuesday our sweet girl turned six months old.  SIX months! This doesn't even seem possible that she could be this old.  This last month has gone very quickly.  She has changed and grown so much.  I remember just a few months ago sitting in her nursery and crying because she had outgrown her newborn clothes.  I immediately texted a few of my close friends and my sweet friend Denise responded that she totally understood and that even though leaving one stage is sad each next stage is so much fun that it makes growing and changing okay.  She was so right!  I still look at my girl and tear up at how "big" she is getting and all of the things that she is beginning to do, but at the same time, it is so much fun to listen to her laugh, babble and try to get to the toys she wants. 

Things Elliott can do:

*clearly make the "M", "D" and "B" consonants
*reach to get whatever toy that she wants.
*mostly sit up on her own...although still sometimes wobbly.
*get her feet stuck between the slats of the crib. :(
*eat food!  (I am doing some weird combination of baby food and BLW)
*take your finger off with her razor sharp tooth!

Elliott loves:
*sweet potatos
*her toes
*learning about animal sounds, right now she loves the cat and dog sounds
*books!  She LOVES story time!
*other people sneezing or hiccuping...apparently, that is HILARIOUS
*The William Tell Overture.  (That is what happens when your parents are nerds)
*anything and everything that can go in her mouth
*Mommy's nose, mouth and eyes
*the remote control

Elliott doesn't like:
*green beans
*her carseat
*the taste of Samson's tail

She has her 6 month appointment in the morning and I can't wait to see how much our girl has grown.  I am not, however, excited about the shots.  :(  Those are terrible.  

We have been watching a little bit of childrens programming on tv.  I have found that I loathe Calliou.  The opening song is catchy, but boy his he whiny!  Yuck!  Most of the others are okay, but that one is terrible! 

Anyhow, the part you love....(In no particular order...)

Elliott opening a Valentine's gift from her grandparents...her favorite part?  The tissue paper!

my babies!

Helping Mommy open her birthday present...more tissue paper!

Getting ready to try prunes!  I'm excited...

6 Months!

Kisses from Samson....

Look how big she is getting!

Sweet potatoes!

Her first self portrait!

Look what I found!

Prunes going in!

I finally got it!


Yay tissue paper!


So if you look you can see the red spot on her toe.  What is that you may ask?  Tooth marks!

Dare me?

Sleepy face.

I like sweet potatoes.

Innocent.  Completely innocent.

Yuck!  Prunes!  Yuck!

She picked up a puff with her pinchers....

Yuck!  Prunes!

Helping Mommy...

Yay!  6 Months!

I don't like puffs either.  Yuck!


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