
Showing posts from August, 2013

20 Years....

20 years ago today I lost my sweet Grandmother, Mary Brockman.  It is hard to believe that I am old enough to remember any thing that happened 20 years ago.  I am sad that I never got to know my grandmother as an adult.  I hear stories about her now and think of what a neat woman she must have been.  I am even more sad that she not only didn't get to know me in my adult years, but she didn't get to meet my sweet girl.  I hope that she would have been proud of the woman I have become, and that she would have laughed at the sweet humor that Elliott Grace possesses.  Granny is greatly missed here on Earth.  Tomorrow Elliott will meet my only living grandparent...Papaw.  I am so excited for them to finally meet.  Pictures soon.  FYI...if you are counting....10 days until Elliott's birthday.  sniff.  sniff.


So, a few weeks ago a good friend (who happens to run an adoption agency) posted a picture of a sweet boy in the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) asking for our prayers.  My heart stopped.  Then shattered.  See for yourself: This is a little boy (yes, he is wearing what appears to be girls clothing...).  In this picture he weighs somewhere around 2.5 pounds.  My friend says this is one of the worst infant malnutrition cases that she has seen.  She called this little boy "Joshua", although he is technically nameless.  Joshua didn't have much hope as the chances of survival for a child in his condition in the DRC are slim, to say the least. Even if Joshua survives, the medical care and attention he will need is staggering.  I immediately began to pray for this boy and all who may come into contact with him.  A few days ago, my friend posted an updated picture and status: Joshua is up to about 3.75 pounds!  What a small miracl...