
Showing posts from September, 2012

Elliott turns one month old...

I can't believe Elliott is one month old already!  It doesn't at all seem possible.  This month has flown by!  I have learned so much from this sweet girl in the last month...both about being a mommy and about myself.  I have enjoyed all of the sweet cuddles and those adorable smiles.  I am sad that she is growing so quickly but I am excited to see what fun things come next.  A little about my sweet Elliott: 1.  She can hold her head up.  Still wobbly at times, but she can hold it up! 2.  She is ticklish! 3.  Last night she slept for 5 hours...IN A ROW!  (it was beautiful...) 4.  She is starting to respond to different stimuli...such as toys. 5.  She has her Mommy's temper.  :( 6.  Her hair is falling out.  This makes Mommy really sad.  I hope more grows back quickly.  7.  If she is propped up and laying on her tummy she can roll to her back.  8.  She doesn't love ...

Real Pants!

If you can't tell, I am super pumped that A.)  I found my pre-pregnancy pants since the move. B.) I fit into *some* of the pants I had before being pregnant.  C.)  I don't fit into all of them because (drum roll please!) they are TOO BIG!  Woot!  It has been great...I have been shopping in the boxes downstairs and fitting into all of those *one day* clothes.  Who would have thought that I would fit into them AFTER being pregnant?  Anyway...enough about me.  I just had to share my excitement.  Elliott is *gasp* almost a month old.  I am having a hard time coming to terms with that.  Time is going too fast! Elliott is growing more and more everyday.  She is beginning to settle into a routine and we are definitely figuring each other out.  She is becoming more consistent in her sleep...I prefer to go to bed at 9:30-10:00...she prefers 2:00am-2:30am.  She cluster feeds several times a day...which is great because that...

16 days old!

I can't believe baby Elliott has been with us for 16 days already!  The last 16 days have been a whirlwind of emotion.  We have had our ups and downs, but I think we are finally getting the hang of things.  Coming home! The first few days in the hospital were trying, but we thought it was because we weren't getting any sleep and we were still figuring this whole "parenting" thing out.  Once we got home, we realized there was much more to it than that.  I take responsibility for not doing enough "homework" before baby girl got here.  I knew that I wanted to breastfeed.  I know that is incredibly healthy for babies and offers so many good things for them.  I also knew that I *could* have trouble due to some of my health conditions.  We had been very optimistic and hopeful that things would work out.  I did not do enough research about the whole breastfeeding how long one should nurse, or how much babies sh...