
Showing posts from January, 2015

Drew is three months

In all fairness, I wrote a blog post for his one month but it didn't save and I didn't try again.  So,I have lots to say now! These last few months have been such an incredible transition and learning experience.  Having two is definitely....different.  lol. Drew is doing amazingly well.  He is gaining weight like crazy and LOVES to eat.  Seriously, he eats all. the. time.  When Elliott was this size I could plan the whole day because she ate on the same schedule every day.  Drew?  Not so much.  He eats a little here, a little there, a little more, and a little bit more.  If he is awake, there are lots of feedings happening.  We had some gas issues in the first couple of months, but we have since figured most of those out.  ( I think it was something I was eating...aka...chili. lol)  Assuming he is not gassy or hungry, Drew is exceptionally happy.  He is constantly smiling and cooing at pretty much anyone who will t...