7 Months

This last month has been so busy it seems like it zoomed by! From 6 month pictures, St. Patrick's Day, season of Lent, and various and sundry events I don't feel like we have had a moment to breathe. From the looks of it, this next month will be the same! Elliott is growing and changing so quickly and she is developing such a neat personality. She is trying to figure out her boundaries and trying to figure out just how much power she has...lol. When I leave the room it is a total meltdown....she even fusses if Matt is still with her. It is both sweet and obnoxious. lol. Things Elliott can do: *sit up on her own *shimmy on the floor - by shimmy I mean wiggle until she travels somewhere, whether or not it is the direction she really wants to go *hold the bottle when she wants to *laugh when she toots or burps (hysterical!) *make the "d", "b", "g" and "k" sounds *quack during "Six little ducks" *shake and hit ...