5 months!

A dear friend told me very early on when I was in tears over my baby outgrowing her newborn clothing that it is sad that they are growing and not so little anymore, but each new stage is so much fun that it makes it a little easier! This is so true! I get teared up every once in while when I see how big my girl is getting, but then she laughs or blows raspberries and well, it makes it all better! Things Elliott is doing: *Smiling...all.the.time. *blowing raspberries....hilarious! *rolling over! front to back and back to front! *sitting! She is still a bit wobbly on her own, but she can! * eating rice cereal! Today she grabbed the spoon and shoved it in her mouth....so cute! *chewing on her toes. *performing "crib gymnastics" for example, this morning when I went in to get her, she was at the opposite end of the crib than where I put her last night, with her head going the opposite direction. She's a mess. * respond to her name....