
Showing posts from November, 2012

Three months!

Can you believe that Elliott is 3 months old?!  I surely cannot.  My baby is officially no longer a newborn.  As sad as I am that she is getting so big so fast - this last month has been so fun!  Things Ellie can do now: *say "Momma".  That's right...I have it on video to prove it. *give the biggest gummy grins ever. * sass. (Matthew says she gets that from me....) *squeal with delight.  Seriously, this is the cutest thing ever! *chew on her fingers. * pull her favorite toy to her mouth. *she is trying so hard to sit up.  She is going to get it within the next couple of weeks.  *blow awesome spit bubbles. *sleep in her crib. *function without a pacifier.  :) This past week she has hit a major growth spurt.  We can see that she has physically grown, but her schedule has also shifted pretty significantly.  We are back to having some trouble sleeping again.  Which of course means that Matthew and I are exhausted....

Night time struggles....

  So, I knew that sleep would be a challenge, but I didn't expect all of this.  Please note, Elliott is a GREAT baby and I know that compared to other Mommies/babies we have it made in the shade, but we still have our struggles.  As I have stated before, Elliott is a great sleeper.  Once she finally goes down for the night she sleeps great.  It is that getting down part that is rough.  Before the time change she was finally giving in at around 2 am, which we were able to adjust to 1 am.  Since the time change (which for most households is awful...not ours!) we now are able to get her down around 12am.  Hallelujah!  For a little over a week now she has been sleeping for about 6 hours, waking for a feeding, then right back down for about three more hours.  Which by all accounts is a successful night.  I had given much thought to the whole pacifier vs. thumb sucking debate before we had Elliott and I thought in my grand plan that I...