2 months!!
So, I know....Mommy fail. It has been a whole month since I last posted! My previous routine was to blog in the evenings in front of the good ole tv....boy have those days changed! Making time to blog has gotten the shaft for sleep, washing bottles, and of course taking care of our sweet girl. I will try really hard to be better this next month.... So what has been happening? Well, Elliott is now smiling! A big ole gummy grin! It is seriously the cutest thing ever. AND she coos and chatters...A LOT. When she finally does start talking I don't think she will ever stop. She has turned into an amazing baby. She rarely cries - only when she is hungry or their is a rogue air bubble. Otherwise, she sleeps and talks and smiles. LOVE. Elliott has also had lots of firsts... 1.) Elliott began taking real baths in a tub in the sink. She likes the water and is beginning to kick and splash a little. She ...