
Showing posts from December, 2012

Four Months!

Our sweet girl has reached a new milestone....4 months old! Next week we have our 4 month check up, which means we will see how much our little one has grown, we will get more shots, and we will get to begin solid foods!  This last month has been a whirlwind with Advent and Christmas.  On Christmas Eve Elliott had her acting debut as Jesus.  She did so well!  She fussed for just a second and then fell sound asleep...despite it being so warm under the lights.  Things about our sweet girl: * She can Laugh!....totally melts my heart. *we are still working on sitting up....we are so close!  *I am pretty sure that we are working on getting teeth. *sleep through the night!!!  ( Can I get a Hallelujah?!?!) *She has officially found out! *She loves toys that light up. *She was not interested in the Christmas tree. *She hates for her feet to be covered by a blanket. *She loves "The itsy-bitsy spider" and the "Alphabet Song" *She doe...